Filed under: Lessons of an Artist, Shanda's Journey • October 7, 2022

I got asked this question several times at the Decatur Book Festival this past weekend. And I have such empathy because I once asked this question too.

Let’s back up to 2006. I was a new high school art teacher, and I wasn’t all that happy. It had nothing to do with the kids, the facility, money, or the administration. It was just me. I felt very stupid, ungrateful, and spoiled, but I was not being fulfilled. I knew deep down it was because my real dream was to make kids books. I even felt like a fraud, telling some of my artsy teen students that it was possible to follow their dreams in a creative field after graduation (when I wasn’t doing the same).

The truth is, having a creative career isn’t a straight line. You don’t typically graduate with a “job” waiting for you like many other careers do. It’s a risky venture of your heart and your finances. This choice isn’t for everyone, but I think you just KNOW if it is … because you just can’t shake it.

If this is you and your dream is to publish children’s books, do these 3 (not so easy) steps:

  1. Join ( The Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators
  2. Go to their conferences and practice what you learn
  3. Expect a long road but an absolutely awesome one with incredible people and adventures

This is exactly what illustrator Michael Austin told me when I cold-emailed him in 2007 and asked, “How does one publish a children’s book?” He simply said to join SCBWI. So I did, and it worked :)


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Shanda McCloskey, Children's Illustrator & Author